Friday 17 August 2007


"Watch Ya doin?" My name is Sam, And I'm a "Gooood Boy!". Bloody Greyhounds didn't share, they stole my treats. I didn't get any. If they come near my cage I'm gonna rip their paws off at the throat. Ask my Mum, she has scars to proove I will do it. I like to look cute and put my head on the side for a "Scraaatch", you get some confidence up, you stick you finger in to rub the back of my head, and BAM. I latch on your finger with my beak and start to grind. I am onery and tempermental. And if the day of the week ends in the letter Y, its will be a toss up wether I will like you or hate you! "Give us a Kiss".


IHateToast said...

i didn't know you had a galah.

Greytgirl, Amie, and Blaze said...

Yeah, loud noisy little bugger. Likes crunchy dog food, hasn't learnt to bark yet. Pretty bomb proof with the greys - havn't lost a grey yet!