So we are in the middle of a drought, it hasn't rained in months, Mum is making murmurs of working in the garden and what happens? It bloody rains. Not a gentle spit once in a while, a full on down pour that has lasted 24 hours so far. It wouldn't be so bad except a girl can only cross her legs so long before she has to go outside to do ones and twos.
Mum opens the door, Blaze and me stand there, look outside, and think "You have got to be kidding? You want us to go out in that? There is a nice piece of carpet in the hallway, won't that do?". Next thing you know we are getting shoved out in the middle of the yard and being told "Go to the loo" just loud enough so the whole neighbourhood can hear. Like it isn't embarrassing enough to go to the loo in public anyway (specially when grass hangs out your bum and you don't know how to get rid of it). Blaze races off as if its a time speed trial to see who can do their business and get back inside the fastest. I figure that this is just another opportunity to be had.
Firstly, how long can I make Mum wait before she starts to yell at me "Come inside, you're getting wet". Like dah, isn't this why I didn't want to go out in the first place Genius?
Secondly, I can run around doing zoomies like a lunatic. The best part is that my paws and belly get really muddy. This enables revenge by putting paw prints over everything I come in contact with for the next 10 minutes as long as I can outrun the towel for wiping my feet. This is an example of my efforts with her rug!

Thirdly, if I stand out in the yard long enough I get really wet, thus I start to smell a little like a dog. This is the best time to come in and be affectionate and lean on Mum so she can get a wet leg and feel what it is like to be sent out in the rain.

I might act like I'm stupid, but there is always greyhound reasoning behind everything I do.
Mum opens the door, Blaze and me stand there, look outside, and think "You have got to be kidding? You want us to go out in that? There is a nice piece of carpet in the hallway, won't that do?". Next thing you know we are getting shoved out in the middle of the yard and being told "Go to the loo" just loud enough so the whole neighbourhood can hear. Like it isn't embarrassing enough to go to the loo in public anyway (specially when grass hangs out your bum and you don't know how to get rid of it). Blaze races off as if its a time speed trial to see who can do their business and get back inside the fastest. I figure that this is just another opportunity to be had.
Firstly, how long can I make Mum wait before she starts to yell at me "Come inside, you're getting wet". Like dah, isn't this why I didn't want to go out in the first place Genius?
Secondly, I can run around doing zoomies like a lunatic. The best part is that my paws and belly get really muddy. This enables revenge by putting paw prints over everything I come in contact with for the next 10 minutes as long as I can outrun the towel for wiping my feet. This is an example of my efforts with her rug!
Thirdly, if I stand out in the yard long enough I get really wet, thus I start to smell a little like a dog. This is the best time to come in and be affectionate and lean on Mum so she can get a wet leg and feel what it is like to be sent out in the rain.
I might act like I'm stupid, but there is always greyhound reasoning behind everything I do.
I sure can identify with this! Karma and Shani get sent out to do a "Good Girl" and they sneak onto the edge of the lawn where the patio overhang just ends...and that where they go...they are woes greys and do not like wet feet!
would not be a greyhound unless they were making a mess somewhere...!
the rain killed me. stinky muddy dogs and laundry that can't be dried.
and we're all cooped up together. the only happy ones were the furry ones.
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