Saturday, 4 August 2007


Mum got home very late last night. Not good after being gone all day at work. We were so excited to see her. We worked out pretty fast were she had been after sniffing her and smelling Bella, Poncho, Iris, Gracie, and Banjo. Treachery! She had been to the Mad Greyhound Woman’s house and didn't take us. We have only been there once and had a fantastic woofy time playing in the yard and falling in the pool. Mum came up with a good excuse as to why we couldn’t go with her. Aunty Brooke had a birthday and they all went out and celebrated. I heard that Aunty Brooke is a bit of a tea totaler, she ended up drinking something called a Long Island Tea.

Anyway hope you had a good Birthday Aunty Brooke!

This is Aunty Brooke who loves all greyhounds with one of our Foster Boys Chad (formerly known as Skiddattle).

1 comment:

IHateToast said...

was it the chad?

doodette, you have to get a new one of brooke, as i have heard she's had her hair done recently.