Wednesday, 19 December 2007


Mum entered a raffle at Bigdog Pet Foods (our favourite gourmet takeaway) and she won! And the best part is that we get the winnings. How cool is that. A big slurpy woofy lick to Chris, Kirsty, and the team at Bigdog for our prize. You guys are the best!

This is us checking out our winnings.

Friday, 14 December 2007


We were used yet again! At least it was for a good cause. We did another Greyhound Adoption Program promotion last night. This one was at Albion Park for the races. The GRA decided to have a beach theme for the races, so we figured we would join in. We had beach towels, buckets and spades, beach balls, swim goggles and caps. The only thing that was missing was the waves and the sand. All us greys got to stand at the front entry to the grandstand in our beach theme gear and scam cuddles from passers by. Aimes and me decided that we would share a few photos of some of the greys who came along.

This is me wearing swimming goggles.

Banjo was very worried about where his Mum had got to.

This is Curly and his money shot. Curly was good at looking after our raffle money.

Gracie also wore goggles.

Iris was making a big deal at practicing the hula as she walked around. Shake those hips babe!

Kirsty and Gracie talked up a storm with a soon to be greyhound owner!

This is handsome Sharky. The grey muzzle always makes a man look distinguished.

Iris is good a smooching with her Mum.

This is D. She has shacked up with our friend Jack. They are like keys on a piano, D is a stunning white grey, Jack is a handsome black.

Thursday, 13 December 2007


Mum just broke the news to us that she has sold our house! The contract went unconditional today and our home is not ours after the 21st of this month. This explains how come she spent 3 weeks rushing us in and out of the house while heaps of people were lined up outside our gate. We thought that we had gained a fan club of stalkers, but no, Mum sold our house. Now what are we going to do?

Mum has explained that we are going to stay here for a while and rent it back until she finds us a new place with a bigger yard. She better keep her promise. The only way that this is going to be made better is if me and Blaze have heaps of room to stretch out to do zoomies. Perhaps Mum would let us have lots more of our friends to come over and play?

Friday, 7 December 2007


Since we have had people coming in and out of the house so often, and Sam's tendency to suck people in for a scratch and then take their fingers off at the neck, he has been on holidays at Grandma and Papas. Mum came home last night and told us that poor Sam had moved on over the rainbow bridge and we would never hear him tell us "what ya doin?" again. Poor Sam. He apparently let out a sqwark, fell off his perch and passed away. Grandma went to see what was going on and got a shock. And Grandma and Papa's furry football Smudge has been upset by it as well, she keeps going to Sam's cage to see where he has gone.

Sorry to see you go Sam. Spread your wings and fly free feathered friend. It will be so very quiet around here without you.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007


I am not letting you out of this bathroom until you have washed behind your ears!


We had a busy weekend. Mum took us to meet up with some friends and we went for a walk through the city of Brisbane. You don't know how many people are up that early on a Sunday morning, or perhaps they still hadn't gone to bed from the night before.

We walked from the Botanic Gardens up George Street, across Ann Street, Down Creek Street and then cut through the markets (BTW did you know there is some good food there) and then along the river and back to the Gardens along Felix Street. Whew, it was a long walk but we made it. See Mum we do have some stamina when we want to.

Mum had breakfast in the gardens with her friends while they chatted. Of course did we get to share her Eggs Benedict? No, she is a greedy pig, Though she did give us a pigs ear when we got home.

We figured that while they were eating we would lay down and have a rest. Amazing how comfortable a muzzle can be if you lie the right way.

Me and Amie thought we would show everyone how friendly we really are towards each other.

Sunday, 25 November 2007


I figured that I would help Mum with the cleaning of the house this afternoon. She had to move our beds to vacuum and I figured that I would keep an eye on them so Blaze wouldn't mess them up.


These house inspections by potential buyers really suck! Mum has the fetish of pulling out the 'Purple Dog Eater' every second day and allowing it to chase us around the house. It lies there all innocent and docile and then all of a sudden it starts to growl and thats when we clear out. If anyone knows how to tame the savage beast (or at least bribe it into leaving us alone) let us know.


Its a hard life when you can't even walk through a beam of sunlight without having to lay down and take a nap.

Saturday, 3 November 2007


All the hard work is starting to pay off - my house is just about finished. Though I still have heaps to do, paint a bathroom, 5 doors, 2 cupboard dooes, and a million other little things. Its gonna be a huge push to make it for listing on Monday! Wish me luck at making my dead line. I have already had an enquiry regarding someone coming through on Monday and taking a look. They don't drag their feet around here. I am hoping to sell relatively quickly. The draw back is having to find a place that has some potential to do up over the next 5 years in a hurry. The girls don't want to be homeless over Christmas.

Here is a photo of my lounge ready for inspection!.

Wednesday, 31 October 2007


Just a note from the construction site -

You know your dogs have had enough of the renovations when you pick up the sander to put it away, and they run and hide because they think you are about to sand something!

Sunday, 28 October 2007


We went out for afternoon tea. Boy did we have some fun. Springer and her two Collie kennel mates Pepper and Cooper invited us over to have a run round. There was us two Woofy Sisters along with Flo, Patch, Rocky, Murphy, another Rocky, and Tiger. Do you know how much fun you can have when there is acreage to run around on? There is so much to see and sniff and chase.

The two Rockys hanging out.

While our peoples were having a chat and some food we figured that we would just hang round, you never know, they may decide to share a bite to eat. We aren't into the wine and champagne, but a drink out of the fish pond goes down quite well (you just have to watch out for the gold fish).

Whats wrong with these greys? No stamina.

All the dogs making themselves right at home.

Some of us are quite ready to enjoy a lie down by the pool. None of us were game to jump in and go for a swim. The doggy spa bath was open for business when two of us got covered in 'you don't want to know what' while playing 'your it'. I know that the flys thought they were a bit if 'it'.

Lazy Blaze lazing by the pool.

And at the end of a big day even our host ran out of puff. For anyone who has met springer this is a sight that you don't see very often - Springers batteries have run out. All it took was 8 Greyhounds, 2 Collies, and a sore paw to wear her out!

Springer actually ran out of spring!

It just occurred to us, this place is just like a doggy resort. Thanks to the K's for having us over. We all had a greyt time!

Sunday, 21 October 2007


Mum decided that she would buy a new camera. So we have to do our bit and suffer. She wants to work out how to use it and guess who the guinea pigs are? Yup, Me and Blaze, and anyone else who happens to be in the near vicinity! Here are some of her greyhound photos so far.

I am not to sure about this.

I hid under here to avoid you.

How long do I have to pose?

I got tired of posing.


Gee, we hadn't realised how slack Mum and we have been about updating our blog. Boy have we all been busy.

First, the update on Little B. Little B had her operation to remove the last lump. Dr R is a nice bloke, but Little B has taken a dislike to the whole team at the vets, even the vets wife (and she is nice and gives us treats). Its not that they are mean and horrible, its just every time she goes there they cut something out. Well Dr R took out the last lump and he believes that he has got it all and there should be no problems. We just need to keep an eye out in case any more lumps appear in the future. Yay for Little B. Mum has had a huge sigh of relief, a cup of tea, a bex and a lay down. To much worry for Mum.

This is a picture of Little B a couple of hours after getting home from having her lump cut out. I suspect that she might be on something, she is looking way to comfortable roaching to be in too much pain.

This is Little B's new zipper after the stiches were taken out a week ago.

Secondly, Mum has been madly renovating the house. She is now on the home straight and the house will be going on the market very soon. We have already put in a request for a greyhound playroom, our own bedroom, and a huge backyard. Mum said that when we go to work and earn some money, we can have anything we wish for. In the meantime we will have to make do with what she can afford. I guess we will have to wait and see what she ends up buying. I bet just like her car, it will be all about us.


With Summer on its way and the sun getting up a lot earlier each morning it is getting way to hard to sleep in. Mum was awake at 4.40am this morning and the birds were already singing. Like the sun was barely on its way over the horizon! Don't they have something better to do. We have this Camellia bush growing outside the front door. The birds like to hang out there, carry on, and make sure that the whole world is awake. Mum happened to be in the lounge room about 2 weeks ago and saw these birds in the Camellia and grabbed her camera and got this shot of the noisy little Buggers!

Thursday, 27 September 2007


Figured that it was my turn to post something instead of the 2 Woofy Sisters.

WOW - this has been a week of ups and downs for Blaze, Amie and Myself. If you have been reading our blog posting from Friday, 21 September 2007, you would know that Little B has had a few lumps cut out. Well basically what started off as something pretty routine turned into something that has kept me on tenterhooks all week. Those who know me well, would know that at the moment I am renovating a house, working full-time, studying to get further qualifications in my chosen profession, running the greytwalks website, trying to update a blog, entertaining 2 naughty but fun greyhounds, volunteering with the Greyhound Adoption Program when I can fit it in, and also trying to have a social life (hahaha). Whew, no rest for the wicked, and who needs sleep?

The last thing I need on top of juggling all these balls in the air is an unclear pathology result on the lump that was biopsied on Little B's chest. Worry is not good when you have a lot on your plate. We got the initial results last Friday night, with further tests needing to be carried out this week on the biopsy. We had a follow up phone call this week regarding this annoying little lump. The results were inconclusive as to exactly what type of histiocystic lump it is and whether it it potentially malignant. BTW I am no good with the big words the vet uses, just as well he has a uni degree. It seems that Little B needs to go back to the Vet next week to have the lump and a good patch of skin around it removed to be on the safe side. I figure she has had it for approx 3 months already (I thought it was an insect bit to start off with), and that she is probably more playful now than she has ever been, so it can't be that bad. But as the vet suggested, it is better for it to be removed now than pay for it later. I went through this a few years ago with a lump on my arm, and it is definitely better to be safe than sorry.

I am sure that Little B will continue to milk it for all the cuddles and sympathy that she can get!

Anyway, here is a cheerful shot of my two girls laying at my feet while I type this up. Isnt it nice to have a devoted fan club who follow you every where!

Sunday, 23 September 2007


Mum organises Greytwalks once a month where we get to catch up with our greyhound friends. We really like getting out and about with a whole lot of our friends. The best part is that she usually tries to make sure that there is water that we can paddle in, or if you are like me, just lay down and cool off.

I think Amie might have read the signs along the river pointing out the presence of sharks. She kept looking at Me and asking "Can't you read? Are you practicing at being shark bait by laying there? At least if I am standing I get a head start." I didn't care, at least I was cool.

Friday, 21 September 2007


Mum pulled a swifty on me the other day, she took me to the vet and left me there. The nurse is nice and tries to butter me up by giving me treats, but I know its just bribes. And that vet, not such a nice person. They cut out some lumps and made me look like a patch work dog. The only good part was the drugs. As you can see, I am having a great time recovering.

Amie wasn't to sure though. I think she couldn't make up her mind as to what was going on.

I figured that my best option was to just lay there and lap up the attention.

Sunday, 16 September 2007


Mum thought that she would embarrass me again.


Mum is taking a break from renovating and came across this quiz. It takes a while to load. If you like using your head (unlike us) and having a laugh, check it out.


Saturday, 15 September 2007


We love it when friends come to visit. It is sooooo exciting spending time with our friends. If only we had opposable thumbs to enable us to open the door so we don't have to rely on Mum to open the door.

Friday, 14 September 2007


I thought this was a view of Blaze that I have to share. Blaze is a very loving dog. She has a way of knowing what is cute and will get her another cuddle. The latest trick is to lay length wise on the floor beside the couch just to be near me. If I happen to be giving her a cuddle and stop, this is the view I get.

OMG! Dog head with no body.

Thursday, 13 September 2007


Mum bought me a new toy last weekend. A squeaky chook. I like my squeaky chook. Mum said I could post 2 videos showing me when I first got given it, and how I try to get it off Mum when we play.

This is me finding out about my new toy.

This is me deciding I want my new toy now!

Saturday, 8 September 2007


Where is my dinner? Well are you going to get up and get me my dinner? How about moving off the couch and proceeding to the fridge and getting me my dinner?

Oh bugger it. I shall go find myself someone who cares.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007


OK, I have cabin fever. Mum has been sick since Saturday and we haven't been out anywhere since she got sick. I like doing the attentive loving act, just to show that I do care, but today I had to just let loose.

It started at 5.30am this morning with barking at Mum and then throwing my toys all over the lounge room. Then all day I have been in a very playful mood. Mum has picked up my toys about 5 times today. My last effort with the toy box must have caused Mum a hissy fit. She has partially lost her voice, so it makes it hard for her to tell me to pick up after myself.

Big raspberries to Mum, as if I would listen anyway.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007


Our Mum is Sick! No, not in the head, she has a really bad cold. She has spent 4 days so far in bed, coughing, sneezing, and snuffling all over us. We decided to show a little sympathy, we haven't left her side except to pee and poop the whole time she has been sick. We even check on her in the middle of the night by putting a cold wet nose on her poor hot head. She has been whinging about a head ache, so we have been real careful not to bark when we play. The good thing about Mum being sick is the extra cuddles that we have to give her to make her feel better.

Its even nice to sit beside her on the couch while holding her hand.

Friday, 24 August 2007


The things you have to do to get fed! Mum gets home from work, does all those stupid boring things like pour herself a drink, kick of her shoes, and gets herself some dinner. What ever happened to our needs. Isn't the fact that we are stuck here all day guarding the house and couch mean anything to our human slave? We have to wait forever before we get our dinner. Little B does the 'I'm cute thing' and keeps putting her head on Mums lap, and I keep walking from the kitchen to wherever Mum is and clicking my teeth at her to give the hurry up. Then if the human slave actually works out what we are telling her (like is Mum slow on the uptake or what), we do the mad bolt to the kitchen fridge, just to make sure that she opens the door and gets the right food out. We then have to stand around while she shoves it into that funny looking tv. Me and Little B always take this time to do a little bonding. Blaze stands there while I have a little nibble on her neck, just so Little B knows that I come first. Then Mum has to add lots of things to our tucker. Like just shove it in the bowl already - WE ARE STARVING. Then to top it all off, we have to practice manners. How is us sitting going to change the fact that WE ARE STARVING.

Yes Mum, we are soooo good, can we eat yet?


So we are in the middle of a drought, it hasn't rained in months, Mum is making murmurs of working in the garden and what happens? It bloody rains. Not a gentle spit once in a while, a full on down pour that has lasted 24 hours so far. It wouldn't be so bad except a girl can only cross her legs so long before she has to go outside to do ones and twos.

Mum opens the door, Blaze and me stand there, look outside, and think "You have got to be kidding? You want us to go out in that? There is a nice piece of carpet in the hallway, won't that do?". Next thing you know we are getting shoved out in the middle of the yard and being told "Go to the loo" just loud enough so the whole neighbourhood can hear. Like it isn't embarrassing enough to go to the loo in public anyway (specially when grass hangs out your bum and you don't know how to get rid of it). Blaze races off as if its a time speed trial to see who can do their business and get back inside the fastest. I figure that this is just another opportunity to be had.

Firstly, how long can I make Mum wait before she starts to yell at me "Come inside, you're getting wet". Like dah, isn't this why I didn't want to go out in the first place Genius?

Secondly, I can run around doing zoomies like a lunatic. The best part is that my paws and belly get really muddy. This enables revenge by putting paw prints over everything I come in contact with for the next 10 minutes as long as I can outrun the towel for wiping my feet. This is an example of my efforts with her rug!

Thirdly, if I stand out in the yard long enough I get really wet, thus I start to smell a little like a dog. This is the best time to come in and be affectionate and lean on Mum so she can get a wet leg and feel what it is like to be sent out in the rain.

I might act like I'm stupid, but there is always greyhound reasoning behind everything I do.

Saturday, 18 August 2007


Never tell a greyhound that they aren't guard dogs. This is the last few moments of a 5 minute session of guard duty tonight.

Friday, 17 August 2007


"Watch Ya doin?" My name is Sam, And I'm a "Gooood Boy!". Bloody Greyhounds didn't share, they stole my treats. I didn't get any. If they come near my cage I'm gonna rip their paws off at the throat. Ask my Mum, she has scars to proove I will do it. I like to look cute and put my head on the side for a "Scraaatch", you get some confidence up, you stick you finger in to rub the back of my head, and BAM. I latch on your finger with my beak and start to grind. I am onery and tempermental. And if the day of the week ends in the letter Y, its will be a toss up wether I will like you or hate you! "Give us a Kiss".


So, if you were leaving for work and we looked at you like this, would you think we might be up to something?

It's our job to look after the house, the fish, and Sam Bird our Galah while Mum is at work. Not a lot to ask really.

You can work up a bit of an appetite shouldering all this responsibility. Just as well Sam doesn't mind sharing his treats.

Do doggies want a cracker?

Sunday, 12 August 2007


I was a bit worried when Mum drove off without me. Very sneaky using a pigs ear to distract me while she loaded Amie in the car. I ended up having a nice relaxing day looking after the house and catching up on beauty sleep (not that I need it). I think Mum was expecting me to have a bit of a hissy fit at being left home by myself. I showed her, I slept all day. And when she arrived home, I ignored her until I got all the gossip from Aimes. Sounds like I got the better deal staying home and not having to face all the noise and crowds that turn up at these large GAP promotions. I am a bit sensitive to the noise, it hurts my poor little ears. Once Aimes filled me in in where they had been, I checked Mum out. I cornered her on the couch and went over every inch of her jeans with my nose. I am amazed at how many other greys she can be unfaithful with in such a short time. Mum is such a sucker for greyhounds.


Mum was in a rush to get ready on Saturday morning, and when she picked up only one lead, I knew something was up. She bundled me into the car in a hurry locked up the house, hopped in the car, and started to drive off. I'm thinking "Wheres Blaze? This is a bit of ok, one on one time with Mum. Not often this happens". Mum parks the car and makes me walk down to a gate that I vaguely remember from last year. We walk up to the GAP stand and it dawn on me, "Oh no, Ekka. Sticky fingers and kids grabbing ears and tails."

This is the GAP stand - Very swish, retro and cool.

Well it ended up a bit of ok. I was allowed to lie on the GAP couch, and it was Mum who forced me to get up on it. How cool. Now I have the right to get on the couch when ever I want, hehehe. And the pillow for my head was a nice touch Mum, good to know that you are looking after me. Do I look Smug or what!

I hung out with some new greyhound friends and even managed to score myself a little human slave to look after me. Not bad, hey. Thanks Clare for looking after me so well.

The day was so tiring for us greys, its hard work getting cuddles from all those people. Banjo and Gypsy had to take a bit of a break and catch some greyhound zzzz's. Gosh its a hard life - but someone has to put their best paws forward to help GAP. Just as well all us greys are there to help out!