Sunday, 28 October 2007


We went out for afternoon tea. Boy did we have some fun. Springer and her two Collie kennel mates Pepper and Cooper invited us over to have a run round. There was us two Woofy Sisters along with Flo, Patch, Rocky, Murphy, another Rocky, and Tiger. Do you know how much fun you can have when there is acreage to run around on? There is so much to see and sniff and chase.

The two Rockys hanging out.

While our peoples were having a chat and some food we figured that we would just hang round, you never know, they may decide to share a bite to eat. We aren't into the wine and champagne, but a drink out of the fish pond goes down quite well (you just have to watch out for the gold fish).

Whats wrong with these greys? No stamina.

All the dogs making themselves right at home.

Some of us are quite ready to enjoy a lie down by the pool. None of us were game to jump in and go for a swim. The doggy spa bath was open for business when two of us got covered in 'you don't want to know what' while playing 'your it'. I know that the flys thought they were a bit if 'it'.

Lazy Blaze lazing by the pool.

And at the end of a big day even our host ran out of puff. For anyone who has met springer this is a sight that you don't see very often - Springers batteries have run out. All it took was 8 Greyhounds, 2 Collies, and a sore paw to wear her out!

Springer actually ran out of spring!

It just occurred to us, this place is just like a doggy resort. Thanks to the K's for having us over. We all had a greyt time!

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