You know your dogs have had enough of the renovations when you pick up the sander to put it away, and they run and hide because they think you are about to sand something!
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
You know your dogs have had enough of the renovations when you pick up the sander to put it away, and they run and hide because they think you are about to sand something!
Sunday, 28 October 2007
While our peoples were having a chat and some food we figured that we would just hang round, you never know, they may decide to share a bite to eat. We aren't into the wine and champagne, but a drink out of the fish pond goes down quite well (you just have to watch out for the gold fish).

Some of us are quite ready to enjoy a lie down by the pool. None of us were game to jump in and go for a swim. The doggy spa bath was open for business when two of us got covered in 'you don't want to know what' while playing 'your it'. I know that the flys thought they were a bit if 'it'.
And at the end of a big day even our host ran out of puff. For anyone who has met springer this is a sight that you don't see very often - Springers batteries have run out. All it took was 8 Greyhounds, 2 Collies, and a sore paw to wear her out!

It just occurred to us, this place is just like a doggy resort. Thanks to the K's for having us over. We all had a greyt time!
Sunday, 21 October 2007
I am not to sure about this.
I hid under here to avoid you.
How long do I have to pose?
I got tired of posing.
First, the update on Little B. Little B had her operation to remove the last lump. Dr R is a nice bloke, but Little B has taken a dislike to the whole team at the vets, even the vets wife (and she is nice and gives us treats). Its not that they are mean and horrible, its just every time she goes there they cut something out. Well Dr R took out the last lump and he believes that he has got it all and there should be no problems. We just need to keep an eye out in case any more lumps appear in the future. Yay for Little B. Mum has had a huge sigh of relief, a cup of tea, a bex and a lay down. To much worry for Mum.
This is a picture of Little B a couple of hours after getting home from having her lump cut out. I suspect that she might be on something, she is looking way to comfortable roaching to be in too much pain.
This is Little B's new zipper after the stiches were taken out a week ago.
Secondly, Mum has been madly renovating the house. She is now on the home straight and the house will be going on the market very soon. We have already put in a request for a greyhound playroom, our own bedroom, and a huge backyard. Mum said that when we go to work and earn some money, we can have anything we wish for. In the meantime we will have to make do with what she can afford. I guess we will have to wait and see what she ends up buying. I bet just like her car, it will be all about us.