Wednesday, 5 September 2007


OK, I have cabin fever. Mum has been sick since Saturday and we haven't been out anywhere since she got sick. I like doing the attentive loving act, just to show that I do care, but today I had to just let loose.

It started at 5.30am this morning with barking at Mum and then throwing my toys all over the lounge room. Then all day I have been in a very playful mood. Mum has picked up my toys about 5 times today. My last effort with the toy box must have caused Mum a hissy fit. She has partially lost her voice, so it makes it hard for her to tell me to pick up after myself.

Big raspberries to Mum, as if I would listen anyway.

1 comment:

thebellagreyhound said...

is that a hand made brooke creation that i spy??