All our friends have one, the Jones's have one, and we want one! Nothing like being part of the in crowd. Our Mum finally gave in after lots of howling like the drama queens that we are, and gave us our very own blog. Now we have to harass her to type it for us, as we missed out hopping in the queue when opposable thumbs were handed out! Our names are Amie and Blaze for those who haven’t met us. We are two elegant greyhounds, not that you would guess it from the nicknames that our Mum gives us. Smelly Bums or Potato Heads aren’t exactly elegant sounding when you are out to impress the crowd. As you can see from our photo, we are fairly happy greyhounds. That's me, Blaze on the left and that's me, Amie on the right.
We adopted our Mum a while back. Aimes came along first and put Mum into training. Little B barged in a year and a bit later as a foster grey who never left. Our Mum suffers from the ‘soft touch’, meaning that if we act cute, we can usually get our way. She is wising up though, so we will have to work our greyhound charms a little harder to keep putting one over her.
We figure that we would make this blog about us (is there any better subject to talk about) and our greyhound friends. We might even include a few antidotes about our human slaves occasionally as well.
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