After discussions between ourselves while Mum was hard at work, we decided that we could post a mixture of little stories about what we get up to and funny greyhound photos that Mum takes while we are out and about. Its about time that we put Mums skills with a camera to use. Mum is a bit of a gadget junkie, this is our way of giving her something to do that keeps her out of the way while we take over her precious couch!

Mum has a couch fetish - she bought a new couch earlier this year and gets upset because we think it is better than the old one. The old couch was so bad that we wouldn't even sit on it! This is me looking very unhappy trying out the old couch after being told about a billion times to stay off the new one. The new one was built for greyhounds - big and wide for us to stretch out. She thinks she was out smarting us by buying us new big bean bag beds. How wrong was she! Bean bag beds are good, but the new couch is waaaayyy better.

You even have to keep a look out just in case she sneaks up on you while you are having a sleep. Nothing like the screaming banshee having a go at you because you are resting your poor weary paws on something that she doesnt seem to want to share.
We ended up having a vote on it and came to a compromise. What Mum doesn't see can't hurt her. She stopped acting like a greyhound drama queen yelling at us, and we would only get on the couch when she is at work. Nothing worse that listening to a human slave whinge about fur on the couch. Build the bridge Mum, you work in the building industry for crying out loud!